Monday 7 November 2011

Initial Research: Archan Nair

Archan Nair

Eyes Wide Open -  Archan Nair

Archan Nair is an illustrator and visual artist that experiments primarily with colours, and pattern techniques, and what emotions art can conjure with what seems to be people's imaginations. Each artwork seems to tell a story. 
In the above piece the background seems roughly painted, with dark purples and greys, fading to lighter colours, eventually to yellows and creamy whites. On top of this rather basic beginning begins a multitude of colours, rather abstract, blunt - clashing with the background, as they look digitally done. Another interesting part of the artwork is the detailed model of the girl, wistfully looking at the colours from her colourful perch. Although nearly in the centre of the piece, the girl is drawn looking away from the viewer and instead to the shapes and colours, which makes the work focus more on the abstract colours as well. The subtle way this is done whilst still demonstrating the girl as a main part of the artwork is very well done, and Nair demonstrates this technique throughout much of their work. 

Yuthika - Archan Nair

Nair's official website:

Websites: Using Patterns and Textures

Patterns and Textures in Web Design

To stand out to viewers, it is important in website design to create a website that will stand out and stick to people's memories. However, it also cannot be too bright or 'loud' - it is a thin line that website designers must balance upon when working. Today I researched websites that used patterns and/or textures in their design, and those that did not. 

Hot Topic

The American clothing store Hot Topic uses a faint patterned texture on its main website home page, so I am using it as an example for a website that does use patterns and textures in its design. In greys and dark shadowing, it represents its mainstream gothic-chic style that it sells. In my opinion, it works well for the website as empathasis should be on the merchandise; the design works well and looks well-finished, but does not take attention away from the site's main purpose.


Coldplay is a British alternative-rock band, and this is their main site. Although their use of typography and colours on a dark background is eye-catching and unique, unfortunately they do not use any patterns or textures in the background design on their website. However, I still feel their design is effective for being memorable and yet still pleasant to the eye.

Foo Fighters

This is another example of patterns/textures being used in website design, this time from the rock band Foo Fighters main band page. Using a heavily edited photograph distinctly against a dark background, it creates a striking pattern through the whole of the design.

Koda Kumi

An example of patterns/textures in website design, this is the Japanese singer Koda Kumi's main website in promotion for her single Love Me Back. The heavy plaid texture with the strong bright colours works well as it lays itself out over the page, with the colours matching the colours of the banner as well. It follows the theme of the single and although the colours clash, they work well together as a design. 

Research: David Carson

David Carson

"Carson was perhaps the most influential graphic designer of the 1990s. In particular, his widely imitated aesthetic defined the so-called "grunge typography" era." - TED

This piece of his work was used through a combination of photography, digital effects, layering, collaging and the use of typography. There is black and white and sepia toning used throughout, giving it quite a haunted feel especially with the harsh shadowing on the photographed hand. The large typography at the top of the page draws your eyes to his name, whilst the smaller typography acts more as a clever affect and works with the colour scheme he chose.

This piece is another combination of photography, digital work and typography. The words are blurred and slightly distorted, clashing with the man's calm expression in the background. The typography curls around him, as if it's something personal to that person. Instead of sepia, the whole tone of the work is defined by the dark shadows and reds, which give it a morbid feel.

In stark black and white with minimal shadowing, this is work that is a mix of drawing/photography, typography and layering of images. The black, thick text stands out bluntly from the mostly white face, making sure the title stands out accordingly. It's a very striking piece of art.

Carson's work is based around making a statement with both typography and images, each carrying a different message which leads to the same conclusion. His work is usually in bleak tones, with blacks, whites and sepias being commonly used with rarely a splash of bright colour. Personally I'd find it interesting if he experimented more with colour and textures. That aside, I find his techniques interesting, especially the first piece of work I have talked about here. 


Inspired by the above pieces, I have created my own face in text.