Monday 3 October 2011


Experimenting with Digital Photographs

This is my first attempt to make a 'collage' of sorts with the photos I took outside today. Using Photoshop, I have combined a few of the photos to make the final outcome look interesting. The brief was to create a design for a poster advertising Astor Park. I'll have a few more attempts before deciding on a final piece.

Some of the photos I used in my first attempt are:

The techniques I used, included feathering, editing the opacity, editing colours and using the tool Curves to edit light and shadow on a photograph, or parts of a photograph. 

Attempt 2

Here is my second draft at creating an A4 poster for Astor Park in Plymouth.
Using my own photographs once again, I have this time used more experimental techniques to
create a more finished and interesting look than my first one. 

This picture of graffiti, I used in the background of the piece to insert more colour and depth, as it was looking too black and white, and dull, at the time. I used the tool Free Transform to edit the angle and the size, and used Opacity to fade it into the background, and moved the layers so it was behind the others. 

This is a screenshot of the piece when I was just starting. The background texture is 
a photograph I took of stone in Astor Park. The centre image is a sign for the park with a friend stood behind it, to show the social aspects of the park and to add more colour to the grey sign. I edited the picture, so the person is half in colour, with the sign in contrasting black and white.

This is the original picture without any black and white editing or layering. This is the picture I started with before adding more photos and layering later on. 

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